Stolen Sweetness is a poem written in 2009, inspired by Robert Frost‘s fondness on taking nature as his theme. I attempted to use nature in this poem to portray a young woman’s innocence and vulnerability which is symbolized by a “young flower.” It focuses on a life’s stage where transition and change of a woman’s physical, psychological and emotional – the well-being, in general, come into picture. This uncharted unfamiliarity is a whirlwind to the subject – the young woman.

Stolen Sweetness Single full blossom flower along the grass, near the shore.

Stolen Sweetness


Young flower at a nearby sea,

Such a splendid beauty I ever did see!

As fresh as the morning shine

Gladly bathed with dew from Divine.

The delicate movement of its swings,

And the calm blows of that brings.

Its beauty will dry a tear-

The redolence beyond compare!

There look! What a multitude thousands of bees,

Butterflies and bugs in the flower they kiss.

They seemed squabbling with which to come first-

Come last and can enter with haste!

What now? What young flower?

Thy sweetness you succumb to the prowlers!

Now they flee far and wide to hide

Leavin’ you empty and lone to ride.

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