Start Just Start

Starting is the seed of all great deeds,
A small step is what all we need.

Start Just Start …is a powerful mantra that can help you overcome procrastination

It helps one get started on tasks or projects that you’ve been putting off. Sometimes, the hardest part of a task is simply getting started, and this phrase reminds us that taking that first step is often the most important one.

Starting something can be intimidating, especially if it’s something new or unfamiliar. We may worry about doing it wrong or not being good enough. But the truth is, we learn and improve as we go along. The important thing is to take that first step, and then keep moving forward.

Another benefit of starting is that it can help build momentum. Once we get going, we often find that we become more engaged and interested in the task. This can lead to a sense of flow, where we are fully absorbed in what we are doing and time seems to fly by.

Of course, starting is only the first step. It’s important to follow through and stay committed to the task or project. But without that initial push to get going, we may never even get to that point.

“Start just Start” is a great reminder that sometimes, the best way to tackle a task is to dive in and get started. Even if we don’t know exactly where to begin, taking that first step can set us on a path towards success.

Prominent authors and successful individuals in the likes of Jim Rohn and Mel Robins to name a few, emphasize that the immediate ‘take action’ as the first step works wonder in beating procrastination. We surely will learn meaningful from chunks to bulk of information from these great minds.

Whatever it is in your mind that you are trying to shove away simply because you don’t know how to start or what the outcome would be, it’s never too late to begin. Trust yourself and just get started!

Check out this Youtube videos on Overcoming Procrastination and Discipline.

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